It's been an all around big week for students at SHS! Members of our FFA chapter traveled to Indianapolis for the 96th Annual National FFA Convention. We joined nearly 70,000 members & guests for general sessions and workshops on leadership, visited with leading colleges and agribusinesses in the career expo, and toured the National FFA Center. Of course, we also had some time to bond as a chapter at the rodeo and for an evening at Topgolf. Thank you to our FFA Alumni for sponsoring such an impactful trip for our students!
11 months ago, Willow Krumwiede
Reminder to please pick up your football playoff apparel - pickup until 7:00 in the Elementary School!
11 months ago, Cole Huber
REMINDER: Parent-Teacher conferences are Tuesday, October 24th and Thursday, October 26th from 3:30-6:30. Project Help/Early Childhood PM classes will dismiss at 1:45 and K-5 SES students dismiss at 2:20 on both days. Please call the SES office if you have any questions.
11 months ago, Leslie Guyot
ATTENTION: There has been a change in date for picture retakes. Picture retakes will be Tuesday, November 7th. If your child was absent or needs a retake of their Fall picture, please add this date to your calendar.
11 months ago, Leslie Guyot
We thank those who have been working tirelessly through this harvest season. Our FFA members enjoyed sharing a smile and a lunch as farmers delivered to our local grain elevators!
11 months ago, Willow Krumwiede
11 months ago, Cole Huber
12 months ago, Cole Huber
The Sullivan FFA Chapter was so excited to host 13 schools and 105 individuals for the Section 16 Horse Judging CDE!
A big thank you to the Bushue family for hosting the event, and to the many student & adult volunteers it takes to make the contest possible.
Horse judging is always a favorite CDE for our FFA chapter and it’s been such an incredible experience to bring it to our home section for the past two years.
Team members: Kate Bushue, Gabby Sorrel, Gareth Coffee, Kylie Voyles, Mae Dawkins, Mallory Batman, Carter Standerfer, Hannah Creek
12 months ago, Willow Krumwiede
Come and join the Sullivan School District Team!!
12 months ago, Leslie Guyot
We would like to welcome the community to our SES Open House this Thursday evening (9/14) from 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. to walk through the new addition at Sullivan Elementary School.
about 1 year ago, Leslie Guyot
SHS Athletics going on this week!
about 1 year ago, Cole Huber
This beautiful new scoreboard unveiled Friday would not be possible without the help of our incredible sponsors, but also with the help of countless volunteer hours. The entire community came together to make this possible!
Led by the herculean effort of Kevin Landrus and Mark Waelde, the project came together incredibly quickly and will be part of our football landscape for years to come!
Thank you to all those who volunteered their time or services!
Josh Born
Don Typer
Luke Standerfer
Korey Wiley
Adam Collins
Dustin Lane
Dustin Wallace
Shane Fultz
Cody Bonebrake
Chase McClure
Jake WIlson
Tyson Grooms
Jason Moody
Josh Green
John Standerfer
Dave Wilson
Tara Standerfer
Levi Nadler and Nadler Electric
LJ Vincent
Seth Sawyer
Jim Palmer
Caleb Smith
Bill Johnson
Mr Allen
Mr Ogle
Mr Huber
Laurrie Minor
Lidy Signs & Graphics
Metro Communications - Warner Bradley, Ryan Caldwell, Jake Walton, and Brandon Clawson
If any names were missed, we sincerely apologize and thank you for all that was done for the scoreboard!
about 1 year ago, Cole Huber
We had a great group of FFA members visit the Farm Progress Show for opening day!
Thank you so much to Elizabeth Houser with Country Financial for donating our tickets! Our students are very fortunate to get to learn from hundreds of leading global agribusinesses so close to home. This is always a great trip to start of the school year!
about 1 year ago, Willow Krumwiede
about 1 year ago, Cole Huber
Fryman scores touchdown, game tied at 13.
about 1 year ago, Dan Allen
The Sullivan CUSD #300 track will start the process of being resurfaced tomorrow, 6/15/23. Please be advised that there will be no access to the track until further notice.
Thank you for your understanding!
over 1 year ago, Mark Waelde
Correction to the previous basketball camp post: tomorrow (Tuesday) is the last day to sign up for boys basketball camp and guarantee a tshirt. Walk-in's will be welcome to camp! See flyer for details!
over 1 year ago, Cole Huber
Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for boys basketball camp! See flyer for details!
over 1 year ago, Cole Huber
Boys basketball camp is coming up! Make sure you get registered by June 6th - see flyer for details!
over 1 year ago, Cole Huber
Please click the link for our final eNewsletter for the 2022-2023 School Year! Have a great Summer! over 1 year ago, Mark Waelde