Valentine's Day From SMS
October SMS and SHS Menu
SMS Students and Staff
September SMS and SHS Menu
August Middle and High School Menu
​Learning is FUN!!  Middle school students having fun shopping and applying math skills in real-life situations.
Welcome to the 2021 Festival of Bands for Sullivan Schools
SMS and SHS Menu for Feb. 2021
A Spooky Halloween Night
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19
SMS Breakfast of Champions - 3rd Quarter: March 19