Eating Delicious Grasshoppers in Spanish Class

Today we had a visitor in our Latin American Studies class. Doña Ofelia is a descendant of the  Zapotecs, a well-known Mesoamerican civilization. Mesoamerica refers to a diverse group of civilizations that shared similar cultural characteristics in the geographic areas including  the modern-day countries of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

During our time with her, we learned about different celebrations and rituals of her culture and how different life was in Central American countries of the past, but also what traditions are still alive today. Also, we learned how to greet and count in the Zapotec language. We are very thankful for this opportunity.

The students had the opportunity to eat grasshoppers and their reactions in this photo tell exactly what they were thinking.

The students of Latin American studies are seen here with the visitor, Ofelia, and her son. We loved having her and her son in class today.