August 15, 2019
ScreenGuide Parental Control app allows you to set parental controls and configure rules for the safe, fun, and educational use of iPads – while minimizing potential risks such as...

August 13, 2019
The Summer Custodial and Maintenance Staff along with their Summer Student Workers were busy this break making sure everything sparkled for the first day back at the Sullivan CUSD...

May 19, 2019
UPDATE (05/19/19) - Due to the possibility of inclement weather, Graduation will be held in the high school gym today (05/19/19). Doors will open at 1:30PM and the ceremony begin...
May 8, 2019
Admin of the Sullivan Community School District #300 delivered a variety of treats for teachers today in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week! We all appreciate the use of Hair...

May 7, 2019
UPDATE (05/19/19) - Due to the possibility of inclement weather, Graduation will be held in the high school gym today (05/19/19). Doors will open at 1:30PM and the ceremony begin...

April 16, 2019
Did you miss a chapter of the, "The Chocolate Touch"? Would you like to watch it from start to finish? Click here to watch all chapters of, "The Chocolate Touch" as read by commu...

March 1, 2019
This past quarter, the Sullivan High School Entrepreneurship II class has been working with the administration on a new project. Sullivan High School will now have it’s own gift s...

February 8, 2019
Sullivan Track and Field 2019 You can now purchase your items online in 3 easy steps: 1. Scan the QR code or go online to https://sullivantrackfield2019 2. Choose y...
February 6, 2019
The Lady Redskins softball season is just weeks away. Our first game is in less than 5 weeks, so if you are looking to support your Lady Redskins on the softball diamond this yea...
January 4, 2019
"Please read the attached document regarding travel safety for students. It is all of our responsibility to make sure our students get to and from school safely." Click for Inf...
December 20, 2018
And now a Holiday Message from the Sullivan Schools Administrative Choir... Click to Play
December 5, 2018
The Sullivan High School Yearbook Class is hosting a dinner to raise funds for students to be able to attend workshops and purchase new cameras.
November 26, 2018
At Sullivan Schools, we believe in emphasizing the safety of our students during times of inclement weather, while at the same time maintaining school in session when possible. I...

November 20, 2018
One Book One Sullivan proudly announces The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Drannen as the 2018-2019 book choice. Please pick up a copy of the book around town and read with our ...